Monday, February 16, 2009

Does Capital Punishment Help Protect Society and Prevent Crime?

In some cases, capital punishment DOES help to deter crime and protect society and its citizens. Firstly, when a murderer is brought to justice and their life is ended via capital punishment, they are no longer able to walk the streets and commit their previous crimes. In this way, society is protected from repeat-offenders.

Also, as is stated in previous posts, studies have shown that each execution prevents 18 further murders from occurring on average. However, in order for capital punishment to prevent crime, the criminal offenders must believe that the system is capable of catching them and punishing for their wrong-doings. Furthermore, the cost that is involved in capital punishment could be implemented in other ways, such as crime prevention programs, that may prove better at protecting society and preventing crimes from occurring.

However, there are certain people, usually who have some type of mental issue, that will commit the crime regardless of the potential punishment. For instance, murderers like Ed Gein and other serial killers and rapists, killed for the sheer thrill of it, and ultimately did not care if they were caught or killed for their actions.

Overall, capital punishment does help to deter crime, but not in a big way. Though it may stop some criminals from murdering, there are still those out there who kill to kill, and therefore other measures must be taken in order to ensure public safety.

Citation: Vermeule, A. (2007).
Capital Punishment Is Moral to Prevent the Taking of Innocent Lives. Opposing Viewpoints. Retrieved February 15, 2009, from Opposing Viewpoints, http://


  1. arguement here.

    So it doesn't really help deter crimes right?
    So waht type of arguement is that? You are basically agreeing with the statistics.
    And might I say that the statistics are very much right.
    In Western Europe and in Mexico and in Canada they all have lower crime rates and murder rates, combined, than the US.
    And the most peculiar thing about those 3 nations is that they do NOT have capital punishment.
    So how is this an arguement?
    Ya........exactly what you told me.
    But this really has no arguement. It's basically argreeing.

  2. ... read the last paragraph over again and MAYBE then you will understand the point I made.
