Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Is Capital Punishment Implemented Consistently and Fairly?

As is common in America, many people believe that minorities are more often punished through capital punishment for their crimes. However, statistics show that it is more often white males that are convicted and sentenced to death. Also, all of the people that are involved in a capital punishment case are allowed access to lawyers and experts, often the best in their field, which gives them an added advantage in court. Although it is not reasonable to say that it is fair to convict the white man more than a minority, there is certainly no evidence that proves the process of sentencing and following through with hat sentence is biased or stereotyped in any way.

In 2005, out of the 3,320 people that were executed, about 56% (1856) were white. This proves that the majority of the criminals were white and therefore not a minority so the system is not prejudiced against the minority groups. Also, more percentage of white people are on death row than blacks. So statistically speaking, white people tend to be executed more, which could say that the system is prejudiced against them.

Citation: Capital Punishment, 2005. US Department of Justice. Retrieved February 13, 2009 from Bureau Of Justice Statistics, http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/cp05.htm

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